FacebookEvents by justb3a

ProcessWire module to get Facebook Page Events using the Graph API.

WARNING: This repository is no longer maintained

This repository will not be updated. The repository will be kept available in read-only mode.

ProcessWire FacebookEvents

ProcessWire module to get Facebook Page Events using the Graph API.

Create an app on Facebook developers website

You have to create an app to get appId and appSecret. Those keys are required.
Go to Facebook Developers and add a new app.
Congrats! Now you can copy your Facebook appId and appSecret.

Get your Facebook page ID

You can either enter your facebook page ID or the facebook page name.
If you enter the Facebook page name, this module will get the page ID for you!

Call Module

$events = $modules->get('FacebookEvents')->getEvents();

Output Events

echo "<ul>";
foreach ($events as $event) {
  echo "<li>{$event['name']}</li>";
echo "</ul>";
{% for event in events|reverse %}
  {% if event.start_time|date('U') > date().timestamp %}
      {% set dts = modules.get('FacebookEvents').getDates(event) %}
      <a href="https://www.facebook.com/events/{{event.id}}/" title="Facebook">{{dts.dates}}:</a>
      {{event.name}} <em>{{dts.times}}</em>
  {% endif %}
{% endfor %}

Format / Combine Start and End Date

$dts = $modules->get('FacebookEvents')->getDates($event);


$eventarraytrue/current event (loop)
$formatDatestringfalsed.m.Ydate format
$formatTimestringfalseH:itime format
$dividerstringfalse-date / time separator


array with keys:

  • dates
  • times

Example Output:

<!-- one-day event -->
  <a href="https://www.facebook.com/events/xxx/" title="xxx">07.01.2017:</a>
  event title <em>12:00 - 16:00Uhr</em>

<!-- multi-day event -->
  <a href="https://www.facebook.com/events/xxx/" title="xxx">01.07.2017 - 02.07.2017:</a>
  another event title <em>09:30 - 17:00</em>

Install and use modules at your own risk. Always have a site and database backup before installing new modules.

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