AutoExportTemplatesAndFields by jaromic

AutoExportTemplatesAndFields module for ProcessWire

pw-autoexport-tf - AutoExportTemplatesAndFields module for ProcessWire


CAUTION: This module is not compatible with repeater fields or ProFields. See BUGS.

To install this module manually, simply put it into the site/modules directory of your ProcessWire installation, so that directory should look like this:



Automatic export when changing fields/templates

After installing the module, all changes to fields and templates are automatically exported after the respective request to the directory specified via the module's persistDirectory setting.

Import via command line

In order to facilitate executing the import as part of an automated process, it has been implemented as a command line application and can be called as follows (assuming the php executable can be called as php and the working directory is the root of the ProcessWire installation):

php site\modules\AutoExportTemplatesAndFields\cli\import.php --import

The import automatically creates a database backup which can be restored using:

php site\modules\AutoExportTemplatesAndFields\cli\import.php --restore <path>


  • (#1) This module is not compatible with repeater fields or ProFields. See this forum thread:

The BreakRepeaterFields module is included in the repository as a minimal showcase of what is breaking the repeater fields.


I am looking forward to hearing from you: Contact me for any issues or suggestions regarding this module or just drop an issue on github:

Install and use modules at your own risk. Always have a site and database backup before installing new modules.

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