TextformatterImgDataUri by BitPoet

Replace image URLs in HTML body with their encoded data URL to speed up page loads


Output small images as data URLs in ProcessWire CMS

Instead of linking to each image, the module outputs the actual image data inside the HTML in the form of a data: URL. This can speed up the loading of pages by reducing the number of requests, especially when page caching is active.


This is a proof-of-concept module. Since I'm not actively using it, I have to rely on you to report any issues you find.


  • Install the module by downloading the zip and extracting it into site/modules in your ProcessWire installation;
  • Configure the maximum size of images that should be included as data URLs in the source code;
  • Add TestformatterImgDataUri in the configuration of the textarea fields this should be applied to.


Licensed under the Unlicense (see LICENSE for details).

Install and use modules at your own risk. Always have a site and database backup before installing new modules.

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