SmartyTemplating by niutech

Smarty template engine for ProcessWire

Smarty Templating for ProcessWire

This module allows you to use Smarty 3 template engine in ProcessWire CMS.


Just copy both /site/modules and /site/templates folders to your /site folder. Then go to the admin panel and enable this module. In the options you can enable Smarty caching and change the cache lifetime. Upon saving, three folders should be created in your /site/assets/cache: SmartyCache, SmartyConfigs and SmartyTemplates_c. Otherwise create them and chmod them to 777.

Quick tutorial

Do not use tags in your templates! (despite the default *.php template extension). Instead use { } tags accordingly:

Smarty:                              PHP:
{$page->title}                       <?php echo $page->title; ?>
{$home=$pages->get("/")}             <?php $home=$pages->get("/"); ?>
{foreach $home->children as $child}  <?php foreach($home->children as $child): ?>
    <li>{$child->title}                  <li><?php echo $child->title; ?>
    {if $child->field}!!!{/if}</li>      <?php if($child->field): ?>!!!<?php endif; ?></li>
{/foreach}                           <?php endforeach; ?>
{* this is a comment *}              <?php /* this is a comment */ ?>
{include './'}               <?php include './'; ?>


Jerzy Głowacki

Install and use modules at your own risk. Always have a site and database backup before installing new modules.

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