JqueryIonRangeSlider by macrura

Enables ion.RangeSlider on configured text inputs.

Jquery Ion Rangeslider for ProcessWire CMS

This is a simple module that allows you to enable the ion.Rangeslider on any text input, and then you type in your params into the textarea field (careful, you can break the page's javascrpt if you are not careful!)

You can also load some presets that have been tested and should all work. For more examples, and options, you can visit Ionden demo site:


How to use

Create a text field, then enable this option on the field itself. Enter your parameters for the slider, or load an example/preset.

  • Note: If you load a preset, the parameters are loaded to the page, but not saved until you save again. Please check the loaded parameters and adjust to your needs, and then save.

Test your slider to make sure that the values are saved and read.

If you encounter any issues, please post an issue.

Install and use modules at your own risk. Always have a site and database backup before installing new modules.

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