HannaCodeHelper by Teppo

Adds a helper plugin to fields with supported editor and TextformatterHannaCode enabled.

Hanna Code Helper

This module is intended as a helper for Hanna Code textformatter by Ryan Cramer. It provides a way to select existing Hanna Code tags within the editor.

Note: at the moment only CKEditor is supported. There the plugin presents itself as a context menu item (visible on right click). TinyMCE support is planned, but not available yet.

Some of the code is duplicated from Ryan's original module and this module also requires both TextformatterHannaCode and ProcessHannaCode modules installed. You can get those from https://github.com/ryancramerdesign/ProcessHannaCode.

Install and use modules at your own risk. Always have a site and database backup before installing new modules.

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